Nine Questions with Andy Ross: Insights from gravity9’s Digital Leader
When it comes to disrupting entire industries and building transformative customer experiences, you have to have an exceptional team that can build these products at pace.
Our team at gravity9 is just that; highly skilled, driven, passionate, and fun to work with!
We continue our Meet the gravity9ers series with the introduction of Andy Ross.
What is your role at Gravity 9?
My role as Partner is to focus on the client relationships within the business, confirming we fully understand what the client wants to achieve then bring the organisation to bare in order to solve those challenges. I also oversee the internal operations of Gravity 9 ensuring we continue to work well as an organisation in order to deliver the best possible solution for our clients.
What do you enjoy most about working at Gravity 9?
I really enjoy the feeling of creating something and playing a key role in rethinking how we design and deliver solutions to our clients. Also, having the opportunity to shape how we operate as a business so we, as employees, have a better, more fulfilling experience is important to me. Having spent my career working within large enterprise organisations I really appreciate the freedom that comes from a smaller, more entrepreneurial business model unrestricted by the process often found within a large organisation. Gravity 9 is a fun business to work in. We’ve built a team of people who want to do things differently, that are proactive and energetic and are focused on others; without that cultural mindset and shared values it wouldn’t work.
We’ve built a team of people who want to do things differently, that are proactive and energetic and are focused on others
What one piece of advice would you give to someone starting out in your line of work?
There are two key things that instantly come to mind and that I believe underpin how we work at Gravity 9. The first is looking after your clients, not just doing a great job for them but sharing a cultural alignment, proposition and aspirations to create something different.
The second is finding and hiring the right people who get the stage of growth you are at, that not only are highly skilled in their field but have the right cultural fit, shared mindset and energy. It can often be a difficult shift to go from a large organisation into a smaller, nimble consultancy it’s a very different way of thinking and working; but one many embrace.
What can’t you start your day without?
I like to start my day with some form of exercise, whether that’s Pilates, a workout or even a cycle ride, if I don’t do something, I tend to feel a little lethargic for the rest of the day. Even if it’s just 30 minutes it really focuses me, more so than coffee!
What do you do in your spare time?
Having five children, family takes up a huge amount of spare time. Sport is also a real passion of mine, I love watching and following any sport, if snail racing was a sport, I’d probably watch it! I’m also very active within our local church, I lead a small group for bible studies and I also help run the business side of the church so I am rather active within the church community.
Sport is also a real passion of mine, I love watching and following any sport; if snail racing was a sport I’d probably watch it!
What is the last movie you watched?
During lockdown the kids got into the original A-Team, which I also secretly enjoyed! However, it’s been a while since I watched an actual movie, the last one I saw was probably at the cinema, ‘Escape from Pretoria’ starring Daniel Radcliffe, based on a true story and was really interesting. It was the Directorial debut of a friend of mine, Francis Anann, from church so it was great to see and support his work.
What special skill / talent do you have (other than what you do for a living)?
I can juggle, just balls though – no flames or swords!
What would be your dream holiday?
Before Gravity 9 I was planning a family road trip through South America, as it’s the one continent I’ve not really experienced. Packing everyone in to the back of a camper and driving through Chile, Argentina, Peru, experiencing the diversity of cultures so different from our own; it would be so exciting, such an experience and one certainly still on the wish list, when we get time. The other option would be China, I’d love to experience their culture, understand the country as they are going to be the next big dominant empire, the country really fascinates me.
What is the last song you had stuck in your head?
Actually, last night Eva Cassidy, Fields of Gold came on Spotify and I’ve been singing it to myself ever since. It’s one of those songs that just gets stuck in your head – should I admit to that?